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Questions tagged [psa]

Public Service Announcments for Sports SE

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PSA: Answering your own question on Stack Exchange is encouraged

We have a help center page asking: Can I answer my own question? The answer is yes. I'm only making this PSA because recently, I have seen three different occasions in which users were asked why ...
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15 votes
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PSA: Please stop using outdated rules

Google can come in handy when trying to source a rule mentioned in your answer. Unfortunately, Google isn't perfect, and some people don't bother to check whether they're using the latest version. ...
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PSA: Let's review suggested edits thoroughly

Lately, we have had edits that have, whether intended or not, defaced posts (eg, "Corrected Grammer [sic]" but removed formatting and links or asked some sort of supplemental question different from ...
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4 votes
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PSA: Using game images in questions is not usually fair use

Examples: Why do the captains of the New England Patriots not wear captain patches? Content on this site has to be licensed under the Creative Commons ...
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