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Questions tagged [asking-questions]

When examining the best-practices for asking questions.

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3 votes
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Are we okay with questions for which the only correct answer is an extensive list of objects meeting specific conditions?

The question How do the Olympics influence a sport's world rankings? asks for the effect of Olympic results on the athlete or team's general world ranking. It identifies 36 sports for which there is ...
Nij's user avatar
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Can we have a warning to posters when about to publish an autograph or signature question? [duplicate]

Every time I visit this site I notice some questions related to autographs and signatures in general. In Revisiting autograph identification questions (conclusion: off-topic) it was discussed and the ...
fedorqui's user avatar
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9 votes
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Add a template close reason for autograph identification requests

The moderator tools show that, in the last 90 days, out of 48 questions closed with custom close reasons, 31 are autograph identification questions. This number is greater than questions closed as ...
gdrt's user avatar
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4 votes
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Are questions about "Mick Jagger's jinx" on the teams he supports on-topic?

Rolling Stones member Mick Jagger is infamous in sports world for being a kind of "unlucky charm" in soccer - when he supports a team, it usually loses. I'm not sure if questions about this "curse" in ...
Afrog Nuñes's user avatar
5 votes
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How can I ask a question about whether a rule exists in any form of a sport?

I want to ask a question in the basic form of: Does any form (league, level, conference, etc.) of Sport X have (or lack) a rule specifically permitting (or disallowing) Y? Are such questions ...
Robert Columbia's user avatar
-1 votes
2 answers

Binary "yes or no" question voted 2 times to be closed as "too broad"

These votes to be closed really dont make sense to me. Any clarification? Is there a "player of the year" award for international basketball?
Pablo's user avatar
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Should I ask a question that has an answer in another Q&A site?

I have just joined with Sports few days back. I have a question in my mind and I wanted to post it here, but before posting here I did a google search. And my question have an answer in another Q&...
Arun Xavier's user avatar
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Putting two related questions under one vs. creating two separate questions for related topics [duplicate]

So I just posted a question and few minutes later I thought of another question that is related to the original one. So what should we do in such circumstances; is it better to keep the two questions ...
alamoot's user avatar
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4 votes
2 answers

Are quiz questions on-topic?

In regards to this question: Regardless of quality, it is clear what the OP is asking and it is not opinion-based. Moreover, Sports SE has chosen to allow trivia content. Given the community ...
user avatar
3 votes
1 answer

Is photo finder type questions on-topic?

I came across this question, I don't think it's on-topic. If it is off-topic, How to close it? Which reason suits it?
Azik Abdullah's user avatar
4 votes
1 answer

Are questions in the form/manner "How can I get started in [sport]?" on-topic?

I had assisted in narrowing the scope of this question: What kite-surfing equipment should I start with?, this question: , and this question: how to jump on a ...
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0 votes
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Are trivia questions about facts acceptable? [duplicate]

Are trivia questions about facts acceptable? For e.g. Who is the first player to do so? Which team did this first? Also, if we already know such facts is it okay to ask & answer? (However if ...
Himanshu's user avatar
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5 answers

Should Moderators be Asking Questions?

In my 4 months career here on Sports beta, I've asked 11 questions. Two out of the three moderators get stuck asking only 2 questions in approximately 1.5 year. Should moderators, especially in beta ...
Jacob Jan's user avatar
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Can I ask questions about mountaineering in Sports SE Site?

The question is clear! Can I ask questions about mountaineering in the beta site?
Persian Cat's user avatar
0 votes
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Using Meta or Chat

I've noticed that Sports meta is often used as a quasi chat room. Questions are asked, but without any answers. Some of them contain huge comment lists. I'm in favour of getting clear answers to the ...
Jacob Jan's user avatar
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1 vote
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Is it okay to ask multiple questions of the same topic in a single question?

Is it okay to ask multiple questions of the same topic in a single question? I am not asking but I have noticed some questions like these: Timed out in cricket Cricket ground specifications Is it a ...
Himanshu's user avatar
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2 votes
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How do I write a good question on Sports SE?

This is a Canonical Question / FAQ Candidate to help our users ask better questions Consider these scenarios: A question you asked was recently closed. The community is misunderstanding what you'...
1 vote
1 answer

Can i ask questions generic to multiple sports?

Questions like, how do I conduct a selection trials for games that have 2 individuals playing against each other and only 1 wins, are generic to multiple sports and I am willing to accept an answer ...
Max's user avatar
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6 votes
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Are questions about sports betting, spreads, and odds on topic?

I can see where questions in general about how spreads are determined, what they mean, and other functionality questions (especially specialty bets) being on topic. But I see a snake pit of questions ...
Chad's user avatar
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Is the Peyton Manning Waiver an on-topic Question Topic?

Is the question: What team will Peyton Manning most likely got to? on-topic? I understand it may generate opinions, but if the answers are based on history and/or fact... Well, it might be a ...
Dynamic's user avatar
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Asking a question regarding gambling

Before posting a question on the main site, I figured I would double-check over here since my question is borderline off-topic. This would essentially be the question I would post: I'm interested in ...
LarsTech's user avatar
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Issue with closing questions

I have a huge issue with certain individuals closing questions related to running stating that they are either subjective or belong in F&N. Running was my original proposal and the intent was to ...
Jason N. Gaylord's user avatar
3 votes
2 answers

Types of Equipment related Questions

We are beginning to get closer to a usable definition of the types of sports we want to cover on the site (AFAIKS). But what about questions on equipment? From What should our FAQ contain? questions ...
Tonny Madsen's user avatar
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9 votes
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Competitive or Recreational Running

The question What is the most popular running (and fitness) application for mobile devices? was closed (partly) with the reason "Running questions must specifically relate to competitive running." ...
Tonny Madsen's user avatar
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Should the name of the sport be included in the question title?

Start with examples: How to attack zone defence? (tagged Basketball) Is it possible to effectively practice zone defence in basketball if you don't have 10 people? (also tagged) Now the question is, ...
Dmitry Selitskiy's user avatar
7 votes
1 answer

How should we handle drill recomendation questions

I've seen three questions (1 2 3) that specifically ask for drills, workouts, exercises, etc to help with a specific condition. If they already comprise 12%(1) of the site, we should be prepared to ...
corsiKa's user avatar
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22 votes
5 answers

How should the tag "Football" be used?

I saw a question with the tag football, but the content was not about football, as I use the term. The question was about "American football." What most countries call "football", Americans call "...
pesche's user avatar
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