Since its inception Sports.SE has been almost completely redundant with F&N.SE. A huge number of questions that have been asked on Sports.SE are on topic either on F&N or on another stack. Because of this redundancy the expertise of the community is split and we either have to stay content with overlap or accept some kind of artificial division of scope. This has been a repeated topic on our meta.
I suggest that we merge Sports.SE and F&N into a new super site for sports, fitness and athletes of all stripes.
F&N has already cut most nutrition questions out of their scope so dropping nutrition from the title would not be an issue to them (they’ve already wanted to do this anyways).
The previous opposition to this merger has been rendered null by the combination of all sports proposals from Area51 into this site.
Consolidating the community around all physical activity will lead to better expert participation and will be much more likely to produce a viable site (which was a primary concern in the merge of all sporting proposals).
Currently a single tag, running, is close to 20% of the content on Sports.SE and does not contain a single question that is off topic on F&N.
While there are some questions that are currently on topic for Sports.SE and off topic for F&N this is a somewhat arbitrary division and with a slight expansion of scope a new Fitness&Sport site could house nearly all questions from both sites with very little being off topic.
SE already believes a site dedicated to rules and minutia of sports cannot succeed (this was cited as a primary motivation for the sports mergers), so why not make it a miniscule part of another site rather than a larger chunk of a small site.
This should clear up scope confusion on both sites.
Fitness has perception issues they are seen as a site for workout buffs and not a site for athletic training. And our comments on this site tend to support that notion. This is primarily an issue with the title not the scope. They are currently trying to clean up the site to fix some of the other perception issues.
The only part of Sports.SE that will likely be left in the lurch is the part that deals with fandom. However I don’t think this is a real issue for the following reasons
- Rules questions are inherently relevant to the participants of the sports.
- Questions on advanced metrics can be relevant to participants and are certainly relevant to the business side of sports which should be covered in the scope.
- Questions about things like fantasy sports, trivia and other fan activities (like watching sports, visiting venues etc) are still a question that will have to be dealt with, but it makes for far fewer scope issues than either site currently has.
This merger makes sense and without it both sites are going to continue to have the same issues they currently have. Issues I believe are hurting both sites. Sports.SE’s existence continues the perception issues Fitness is struggling with and there is no sense in having two sites with the same scope without some kind of distinction that goes beyond the arbitrary and confusing guidelines that are currently in place.