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4 votes

A list question is opinion-based?

List questions aren't really good fits for Stack Exchange as a general rule, though there are exceptions to be made in some communities - such as this one. But they're specific exceptions, not ...
Joe's user avatar
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3 votes

Double Standards in Questions Containing Resource Requests

You were not "forced" to delete anything. You chose to do so. "Protected by Community" doesn't actually mean very much - it's an automatic response by the SE system after two spam answers were posted ...
Philip Kendall's user avatar
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3 votes

Rules questions with "little" effort. Do we close these questions as off-topic or downvote?

In general, we should leave questions of this type open. As an American, I know a fair amount about American football, basketball, and baseball. I know less about soccer football, and almost ...
Ben Miller's user avatar
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2 votes

Are questions specifically asking about trivial illegal situations without being about rules allowed?

It's not illegal though. It just can't score a goal. This is an important distinction in sports officiating that many people struggle with, including perhaps yourself (given the title used and the ...
Nij's user avatar
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2 votes

Add a template close reason for autograph identification requests

I had hoped that closing autograph identification questions as they arrived on the site would stop the flow of questions. However, that obviously hasn't happened so I agree this would be a good idea. ...
Philip Kendall's user avatar
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