I started to write an answer to this question, but I while I was collecting sources and composing my answer, the question got put on hold, so I can't post my answer. I tried improving the question in the hope that it could be reopened, but the edited hasn't even been accepted (or rejected) yet, letalone the question reopened.
I believe my answer to be of at least necessary quality, and to be quite comprehensive. I would not like to see the time I invested go to waste. I believe my answer would be helpful to users, and I'd personally profit from having it posted publicly by being able to refer people to it - I've been asked it already multiple times in real times. In addition, I'd love to have a good place to look up this information myself.
For all these reasons, I'd very much find a way to post my answer. Since trying to improve the question or reopen it seems hopeless, I am unsure what to do.
Should I post my answer on another site and link to it in the comments? What should I do with my answer?