Our faq says we are for "participants in team and individual sport activities". It doesn't clarify whether this is limited to questions by participants, or if it includes questions about participants.
Should we allow questions about sports trivia?
Edit: wax eagle brings up a good point - trivia needs to be defined first.
The dictionary definition is
especially obscure and useless knowledge
I would contend that our working definition could be (but is open to modification)
knowledge about a sport that has no significant impact on the performance of the sport
I think to address this we should weigh the pros and cons...
What are the pros to allowing trivia?
- Wider question set attracts a wider audience
- Many experts on rules and performance are also familiar with trivia
What are the cons to allowing trivia?
- Questions on trivia may not be 'expert enough' for the site.
What are the pros to not allowing trivia?
- There would be a finer focus on the scope of questions
What are the cons to not allowing trivia?
- There currently is no stack exchange venue to handle such questions.
After looking at the matter objectively, I feel that the site would be better off as a whole with the trivia included. If it ends up being a significant portion of the site, perhaps it would then be most appropriate to split into a separate site. For now, it would seem a logical extension.