Today I've discovered sports.stackexchange - yet another wonderful beta from Area51. It looks to me like that there is actually space for two stacks not one.
You see, the phrase "stack exchange site on sports" can be interpreted in the sense "questions for those, who like read sports column in newspapers, watch tv-translations or even gambling". Here is the questionthe question of this type:
Last night, Messi scored his 50th goal of the season.
Why is it considered a new goal-scoring record? Dixie Dean scored 60 goals for Everton in the FA First Division alone (he had 67 in total) in the 1927-1928 football season
On the other hand, it can be interpreted as "questions on a specific kind of human activity I'm currently involved in". Kinda programmers.stackexchange for sportsmen.
Here isHere is the question of "type B":
I play football (soccer) for my community traveling team. Our usual ball handling exercise is getting the ball around a course of cones.
What other ways can I improve my ball handling abilities?
These topics are related, but nevertheless one can easily tell one from another. Moreover, community of people who loves "type A" questions and community of people who love "typeB" questions are not that indistinguishable (checkout Homer Simpson, for example). Moreover, it looks like these two sets of questions have the same cardinality, i.e roughly 50% of questions are specifically of type A, the same about type B. For me this is a great sign of that these don't belong together.
Say, may be we need Sports.Stackexchange and Sportmen.Stackexchange? By the way, regarding the last one, there is also Physical Fitness stack we should keep in mind.
So, discuss )