All wicket-tagged questions have also been tagged with cricket thus far.
From Wikipedia:
In the sport of cricket the word wicket has several distinct meanings:
- a set of stumps and bails;
- the pitch; or
- the dismissal of a batsman.
In terms of tag significance (and not in technical terms), how does wicket differ from using goalpost, pitch, or strikeout as tags? For more information, see Grounds of Tag Creation.
What is the justification for using wicket as a tag? Does cricket suffice? Can wicket be a tag-synonym for cricket?
UPDATE: The purpose of this question is to reasonably scope useful tags...not place stringent requirements on what merits creation of a tag. Adding a tag based on mention or reference would not be considered reasonably scoped or useful unless the question is about said tag. This question was tagged with wicket, mentions wickets, but is NOT about wickets. Furthermore, this question was tagged wicket, but contains no mention of wickets.